الأربعاء، 30 يناير 2013

Look inside the Core of #Twitter!

Look inside the Core of #Twitter!

Would you like to have a direct look inside the core of  Twitter?
You can check out the Twitter activity in real time via TweetPing, which is a new service allows to visualize and count Tweets from all over the world.

TweetPing is based on 4 technologies:

1- Node.js: A platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript run-time for easily building fast, scalable network applications.
2- Socket.io: Aims to make real-time apps possible in every browser and mobile device.
3- Processing.js: The sister project of the popular Processing visual programming language, designed for the web. Processing.js makes your data visualizations.
4- Backbone.js: Gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions.
Back to TweetPing functionality, it is following Twitter data directly from the API, with 7 columns represent 5 continents “global geographic areas” and a columns contains total statistics plus a column about the project,  and 5 rows represent all (tweets, words, and characters) per second, as well as latest hash-tags and latest “@” mentions.
Tweetping monitors each of the world’s posts on the micro-blogging site, and identifies them with a small flashes of light on a map of the Earth as they happen.
A Twitter heart beats and a  real-time traffic monitoring tool, which you could make a very good use of it, if you are a social media researcher, marketer or if you are a geek.
The fascinating tracker is the work of Paris-based developer Franck Ernewein, who launched the site several days ago.
Do you know about any other similar tools? OR do you have a good idea to make use of that project? share it with us.

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