الخميس، 28 مارس 2013

The Biggest Cyber Attack Worldwide!

The Biggest Cyber Attack Worldwide!

It’s happening now, while writing these words, and it’s affecting most of the world’s internet infrastructure by a 300 GB/S (gigabits per second) (DDoS) attacks which reefers to “Distributed Denial of Service”, it’s one of the most famous tactics to attack websites and servers to prevent users from access information or services.
DDoS  hits the server with flooding packages to get it out of service “consider the internet as a highway and DDos attacks as jammed traffic block the roads”, notice that the biggest DDos attack in 2010 was 100gb/s, and 50 gb/s could take down a bank system! (Click here to know about How DDoS Protection Works)
Internet Traffic
Internet Traffic

The Biggest Cyber Attack story continued:

The story started when Spamhaus (a non-profit organization which fights spammers by filtering and managing lists) blocked servers hosted by Cyberbunker (a Dutch company, that according to its website, hosts “services to any Web site ‘except child porn and anything related to terrorism).
Spamhaus alleged that Cyberbunker, in cooperation with “criminal gangs” from Eastern Europe and Russia.
Sven Olaf Kamphuis, an Internet activist who said he was a spokesman for Cyberbunker, said in an online message:
 “We are aware that this is one of the largest DDoS attacks the world had publicly seen,
  Cyberbunker was retaliating against Spamhaus for abusing their influence.”
CyberBunker Logo
CyberBunker Logo
The Register wrote that the largest source of attack traffic against Spamhaus came from DNS reflection, launched through Open DNS resolvers rather than directly via compromised networks. Spamhaus turned to CloudFlare for help and the content delivery firm was able to mitigate attacks that reached a peak of 75Gbps, as explained in a blog post here.
BBC reported that 5 national cyber-police-forces are investigating the attacks, Steve Linford, chief executive for Spamhaus, told the BBC that several companies, such as Google, had made their resources available to help “absorb all of this traffic”.
The attacks typically happened in intermittent bursts of high activity.
“They are targeting every part of the internet infrastructure that they feel can be brought down”.
So, we are in the middle of a cyber war! affects some internet websites and services..on the other hand, we are in Egypt and some other countries facing another issue as Seacom Suffers Internet Outage Off African Coast as multiple subsea cable cuts have been confirmed, so we can not judge which factor is slowing down the internet! Now you should decide, which side will you take?

الخميس، 21 مارس 2013

تطبيق احفظ من جوجل لتسجيل الملاحظات

تطبيق إحفظ من جوجل لتسجيل الملاحظات!

إلى كل من تأتيهم الأفكار والخطط ويقوموا بتسجيلها بشتى الطرق بداية من ورقة بيضاء – أو صفراء كما اعتادت أن تبيعها المكتبات –  وانتهاء ببرامج الملحوظات اللاصقة "Sticky Notes" .. قامت شركة جوجل بتدشين خدمة جديدة وهي خدمة الحفظ "Google Keep" وتم الإعلان عنها يوم 20 مارس 2013 على مدونة جوجل, والخدمة ببساطة تمكن المستخدم/ة من تدوين الملاحظات والأفكار والاحتفاظ بها في متناول اليد في أى وقت, بناءً على أن سوق الهواتف الذكية ينمو بشكل كبير, وبالطبع الخدمة مطروحة للاستغناء عن كل التطبيقات الشبيهة التى تعمل على الأجهزة الشخصية بتطبيق مباشر على الإنترنت ويمكن إستخدامها والوصول إليه بسهولة عن طريق الهواتف المحمولة, بالإضافة أن الخدمة تدعم الأوامر الصوتية وخاصية البحث السريع.

والخدمة الجديدة يمكن تحميلها على أنظمة أندرويد 4.2 بحد أدنى, ويمكن مشاهدة الفيديو الذي يقوم بشرح الإستخدام من هذا الرابط.

كما يمكن الدخول للخدمة والإضافة والتعديل بها عن طريق الرابط التالى:
 وجدير بالذكر أنه تم الإعلان عن إتاحة الخدمة خلال الأسابيع القادمة على سواقة أقراص جوجل "Google Drive"  حيث يمكن للمستخدم/ة الوصول السريع للملاحظات والتدوينات المسجلة عن طريق الهاتف أو الحاسب الشخصي أو أى جهاز حديث يدعم إستخدام الإنترنت.

الاثنين، 18 مارس 2013

YouTube Launches in Egypt and other 6 Arabian Countries!

YouTube Launches in Egypt and other 6 Arabian Countries!

YouTube the number 1 video sharing website that users allowing to upload and share videos. Recently, it launches local versions in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Yemen..
Youtube – Egypt
What does it mean?
YouTube local version simply means that anyone visit YouTube website will find on homepage the most popular videos and the ones which are rising in popularity in his/her home country, also when creating or uploading a video, other people in their country or even allover the world have a better chance to find and watch it.
Najeeb Jarrar, YouTube Associate Product Marketing Manager – Middle East and North Africa, wrote on Google Arabia Blog:
"It’s amazing to think that just six years ago, YouTube didn't exist. 
Since then, the video platform has assembled sights and sounds from around the world -- 
the largest collection of its kind. 
From YouTube’s inception, people in the Middle East have been active members of the global community, 
both watching and uploading countless videos. 
Even though YouTube is a global service, we try to make it as local as possible. 
Last fall, we offered Arabic as a language choice for the first time, 
and now we’re deepening the local YouTube experience by launching in seven countries in the Middle East:
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Yemen."
YouTube is a platform in which people from all over the world exchange their ideas, with various nationalities, languages, political point of views and religion. Not everything published on YouTube will please all it’s users, that we encourage people to learn the rules and flag content that might violate them.
Julie Taylor, Head of Communications and Public Affairs for Google in Sub-Saharan Africa, revealed the region had seen views grow by 90% from 2011 to 2012, while uploads grew by 40%, as Humanipo websitereported
Taylor added:
“We work hard to create a community everyone can enjoy and which also enables people to express different opinions.
This can be a challenge because what's OK in one country may be offensive or illegal elsewhere.
The authorities in Egypt have notified us of individual videos that they believe are illegal and,
after a thorough review, we have blocked access to them on the Egyptian version of YouTube.”
So, YouTube is accessible via mobile, most of the devices and platforms. They now offer a new service called: ”Feather” in a Beta version,  a project which is intended to serve YouTube video watch pages with the lowest latency possible. It achieves this by severely limiting the features available to the viewer and making use of advanced web techniques for reducing the total amount of bytes downloaded by the browser. It is a work in progress and may not work for all videos.
Youtube – Feather – Graph
Indeed, YouTube is one of the best services on the internet, it’s ranked as the top third website after Google and Facebook, and it is spreading widely allover the world, you might like to check the top YouTube channels in Egypt by (Most Subscribed or Most Viewed) via SocialBlade, you might also like to see  the most Egyptian Fastest Growing Channels via SocialBakers which definitely include AlBernameg andKharabeesh
Do you have a YouTube channel? if you don’t, you might want to start now. TrendingDig team is here to help you.

الاثنين، 11 مارس 2013

World Day Against Cyber Censorship 2013!

World Day Against Cyber Censorship 2013!

Tuesday, 12 March is a “World Day Against Cyber Censorship”, that was first observed on March 12 2008 by Reporters Without Borders, as they have a many convincing reasons:
World Day Against Cyber Censorship is intended to rally everyone in support of a single Internet without restrictions and accessible to all. Never have so many countries been affected by some form of online censorship, whether arrests or harassment by Netizens, online surveillance, website blocking or the adoption of repressive Internet laws. Netizens are being targeted by government reprisals. Around 120 of them are currently detained for expressing their views freely online. World Day Against Cyber Censorship pays tribute to them and their fight for Internet freedom.
Netizen Prize:
  • In 2010, the first annual Netizen Prize, sponsored by Google, was awarded to the Iranian women’s rights activists of the Change for Equality website.
  • In 2011 Netizen Prize was awarded to the Tunisian group blogging site Nawaat.org for their coverage of the Tunisian protests.
  • In 2012 Netizen Prize was awarded to Syrian citizen journalists and activists. The media center of the organization known as Local Coordination Committees collects and disseminates reports, images, and information about the ongoing Syrian Upraising.
So, you can go to the website which had been lunched especially for that initiative, then you could show your support by downloading the logo - which is available in many languages – and posting it to your profile or your blog, also you could obtain more information about the initiative and the organization – if you don’t know about them – you could really show your support against the internet censorship by different ways.
The website created a map and 2 lists which they called “Enemies of Internet” and “Countries under surveillance” with the following data:
Enemies of Internet: (Bahrain – Belarus – Burma – China – Cuba -Iran – North Korea – Saudi arabia – Syria – Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan – Vietnam).
Countries under surveillance: (Australia – Egypt – Eritrea – France – India – Kazakhstan – Malaysia – Russia – South Korea – Sri Lanka – Thailand – Tunisia – Turkey – United Arab Emirates).
So far, as Egypt is one of countries under surveillance, we have 2 events to participate and stand against internet censorship by spreading awareness, blogging, tweeting, writing articles, and using all social networking tools and online communities to fight it, you could join the Arabic events here by Madany Documentation

Finally you could tweet in the Arabic HashTag #ضد_الرقابة
Do you have any other ideas to show your support? Share it with us.